Our Story
The Lutheran College Washington Semester (LCWS) is an immersive and transformative study-away program designed to provide students with a unique opportunity to learn and intern in the nation's capital. We believe that learning extends far beyond the confines of a traditional classroom, and our program is built on the principle that experiential education is the key to unlocking personal and intellectual growth.
We strive to connect students with internship opportunities to help provide real-world experience to further their educational and professional goals. We also strive to prepare students for life after college and to make them more active citizens in their communities.
​LCWS is open to students from our partner institutions. We work exclusively with small, liberal arts colleges and predominantly with schools sharing a Lutheran heritage. We encourage you to explore their websites to learn more about each school.
Want to know what we're up to? Take a look at our Annual Report!
Faculty & Staff

Our alumni are engaged with current students, serving as mentors, connections, and internship hosts. They are also connected with each other in personal and professional networks that provide community, job prospects, and mentors around the world.​
Stay Connected
Join the LCWS Group page to find and post job opportunities and learn about upcoming events.
Contact Info
Update your contact info to let us know about changes in location, job, or ways you want to get involved!
Contact Us
Lutheran College Washington Semester
1025 Arlington Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22209
Email: intern@washingtonsemester.org
Office: (703) 525 - 5292